Assisted Deep Lunges

Here’s where we get into deeper lunges. Similarly to our Leg Press Lunges, we are going to challenge our range of motion. This also starts really stretching the hip flexors of your rear leg under load. Warm up with easier exercises beforehand to increase performance and reduce the chances of injury!

As you get used to the depth of these lunges, try to rely less and less on your support object. This will get you ready for the next progression. 


LEVEL 1: 2 Sets of 10 (Both Sides)
LEVEL 2: 2 Sets of 15 (Both Sides)
LEVEL 3: 2 Sets of 20 (Both Sides)

Do 2-3 Sets of as many as you safely can.

Once you can meet or exceed the sets and reps of Level 3 with good form, you are ready to move on to a harder variation.

Form Cues

  • Avoid working through pain on this exercise (and others in the routine). Use assistance in the ranges where you feel pain until you’re able to do them pain-free. Feeling effort is okay.

  • Your legs should be about shoulder width apart and your hips should be facing forward.

  • Try to keep your front heel down throughout this movement.

  • Be careful to keep your knees soft throughout the exercise - don’t lock them out!

  • Lunge only as deeply as you can without losing your form. It’s okay if you don’t make it through the full range of motion at first. With practice, you will get there!

  • It can be helpful for alignment to imagine your knee going over your second toe during the lunge.

  • Try to keep your back neutral throughout the exercise. You may feel a hip flexor stretch of your rear leg.


  1. Stand approximately shoulder distance apart and plant your support object firmly on the ground at arms length in front of you. A broom, mop, or rake can be repurposed for support here. 

  2. Step back into a large split stance. Double check that your support is stable and be sure to find your balance before moving on!

  3. Slowly lunge forward and walk your hands down your support object until your hamstrings touch your calf. Allow the heel of your back leg to lift as you lunge. Allow your front knee to pass your toes. 

  4. Pause for 1 Second.

  5. Press down and back through your front foot and walk your hands back up your support object to return to start. 

  6. Repeat 3-5.

Progression & Regression

To make this exercise harder: Assisting less with your arms will make this exercise harder.

To make this exercise easier: Reducing range of motion will make this exercise easier. You can also assist more with your arms. Assist yourself through your weak areas and increase depth over time!

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