Leg Raise Progressions
Build fantastic core strength and mobility!
#1 - Knee Raises
An introduction to core work that builds solid strength and muscle!
Standard: 2 Sets of 30
#2 - Advanced Knee Raises
Straightening the legs makes this movement a bit harder! Try to bend around 45 degrees.
Standard: 2 Sets of 30
#3 - Alternating Leg Raises
Bending on the way up and straightening before lowering helps introduce us to straight leg raises!
Standard: 2 Sets of 25
#4 - Full Leg Raises
A calisthenics standard that builds excellent core and hip flexor strength!
Standard: 2 Sets of 25
#5 - Tuck Plow Raises
These are leg raises with the extra challenge of bringing our knees to our chest. This increases the work for our abdomen and gradually introduces the mobility necessary for the harder variations.
This can be thought of as a halfway point between Leg Raises and Plow Raises.
Standard: 2 Sets of 20
#6 - Plow Raises
Bringing the legs all the way over the body adds an extra challenge to leg raises. Being able to do this with straight legs and toes touching the ground behind you is an excellent mobility standard!
The end position of this movement looks similar to the Plow Pose in yoga, hence the name.
Standard: 2 Sets of 20
#7 - Hanging Knee Raises
Having mastered floor leg raises, it’s time to work on doing them vertically!
Hanging knee raises may not be as difficult as Plow Raises, but they gradually introduce the grip and arm strength necessary for hanging leg raises. It’s a good idea to follow these with a few sets of Plow Raises.
Standard: 2 Sets of 15
#8 - Advanced Hanging Knee Raises
Bending 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees at the knee increases the difficulty of this exercise!
Standard: 2 Sets of 15
#9 - Hanging Leg Raises
Bringing straight legs form a right angle with our upper body is a great strength and mobility feat! Working these regularly will build and maintain excellent core strength.
Standard: 2 Sets of 25
#10 - Toe to Bars
Similar to Plow Raises, bringing our toes to touch the bar completes the range-of-motion.
Though you may feel the need to bend your legs at first, work on doing this with straight legs.
This can help keep your midsection healthy and strong for years to come. Congratulations!
Standard: 2 Sets of 25