Workout of the Day
This changes daily according to the workout schedule of the Hybrid Routine.
Each exercise is scalable to your fitness level. Find a variation that works for you, work it according to the schedule, and move on to the next progression when you hit the Standards.
Pushups (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Wall Pushups Incline Pushups Advanced Incline Pushups Knee Pushups Full Pushups Narrow Pushups Side-Staggered Pushups Archer Pushups Sliding One-Arm Pushups One-Arm Pushups Advanced One-Arm Pushups
Leg Raises (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Knee Raises Advanced Knee Raises Alternating Leg Raises Full Leg Raises Tuck Plow Raises Plow Raises Hanging Knee Raises Advanced Hanging Knee Raises Hanging Leg Raises Toe to Bars
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pushups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Dips, Handstands, Situps, Planks, Clutch Flag, Human Flag.
Explosive Variations: Clapping Pushups, Explosive Situps, Kip Ups
Isometric Variations: Elbow Lever, Planks, L Sits
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional.
Pullups (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Wall Pullups Horizontal Pullups Advanced Horizontal Pullups Jackknife Pullups Full Pullups Narrow Pullups One Hand Pullups Advanced One Hand Pullups Archer Pullups One Arm Pullups
Squats (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Jackknife Squats Assisted Squats Half Squats Full Squats Narrow Squats Side Staggered Squats Front Staggered Squats Assisted One Leg Squats One Leg Chair Squats One Leg Squats
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pullups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Horizontal Pullups (if you’re doing vertical ones), Lunges, Split Squats, Calf Raises
Explosive Variations: Muscle Ups, Explosive Pullups, Clapping Pullups, Jump Squats, Box Jumps, Hill Sprints
Isometric Variations: Isometric Pullups, Horse Stance, Wall Sits
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional.
Bridges (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Glute Bridges Straight Bridges Wall Bridges Incline Bridges Head Bridges Full Bridges Wheel Bridges Tap Bridges Wall Walking Bridges Stand to Stand Bridges
Twists (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Straight Leg Twists Bent Leg Twists Full Twists
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pullups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Upward Facing Dog, Camel Pose, Standing Twists
Explosive Variations: Kip Ups, Punching Bag, Throwing
NOTE: Do NOT try doing twists explosively.
Isometric Variations: Wheel Pose, Isometric Bridges, Clutch Flag, Human Flag, Side Plank
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional
Pushups (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Wall Pushups Incline Pushups Advanced Incline Pushups Knee Pushups Full Pushups Narrow Pushups Side-Staggered Pushups Archer Pushups Sliding One-Arm Pushups One-Arm Pushups Advanced One-Arm Pushups
Leg Raises (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Knee Raises Advanced Knee Raises Alternating Leg Raises Full Leg Raises Tuck Plow Raises Plow Raises Hanging Knee Raises Advanced Hanging Knee Raises Hanging Leg Raises Toe to Bars
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pushups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Dips, Handstands, Situps, Planks, Clutch Flag, Human Flag.
Explosive Variations: Clapping Pushups, Explosive Situps, Kip Ups
Isometric Variations: Elbow Lever, Planks, L Sits
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional.
Pullups (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Wall Pullups Horizontal Pullups Advanced Horizontal Pullups Jackknife Pullups Full Pullups Narrow Pullups One Hand Pullups Advanced One Hand Pullups Archer Pullups One Arm Pullups
Squats (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Jackknife Squats Assisted Squats Half Squats Full Squats Narrow Squats Side Staggered Squats Front Staggered Squats Assisted One Leg Squats One Leg Chair Squats One Leg Squats
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pullups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Horizontal Pullups (if you’re doing vertical ones), Lunges, Split Squats, Calf Raises
Explosive Variations: Muscle Ups, Explosive Pullups, Clapping Pullups, Jump Squats, Box Jumps, Hill Sprints
Isometric Variations: Isometric Pullups, Horse Stance, Wall Sits
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional.
Bridges (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Glute Bridges Straight Bridges Wall Bridges Incline Bridges Head Bridges Full Bridges Wheel Bridges Tap Bridges Wall Walking Bridges Stand to Stand Bridges
Twists (2-3 Sets)
Variations: Straight Leg Twists Bent Leg Twists Full Twists
Want to do more?
The Hybrid Routine is designed to be a minimalist routine that allows users to make consistent progress by focusing on key movements. Workouts can often be done in less than 10-15 minutes.
The 2-3 Sets per exercise are meant to be a GRIND. Push yourself hard on these exercises. Users who wonder if this routine is “enough” are sometimes not pushing hard enough during Sets.
On each Set, do as many as you can - stopping 1-2 reps before failure. The exception to this is when you are approaching the Goal Standards for an exercise. For example, you can stop at 50 Wall Pullups.
That said, if you have more energy to burn (or want to specialize), feel free to supplement related exercises to that day! Here are some ideas:
Related Exercises: Upward Facing Dog, Camel Pose, Standing Twists
Explosive Variations: Kip Ups, Punching Bag, Throwing
NOTE: Do NOT try doing twists explosively.
Isometric Variations: Wheel Pose, Isometric Bridges, Clutch Flag, Human Flag, Side Plank
Instruction will be written on these exercises later. If any seem unfamiliar, a Google search is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how they look. Some of these are advanced. Use caution when trying them. They are optional
A Day of Rest
Your body heals and gets stronger when you rest, so make sure to rest! Take today to practice other hobbies, go for a walk, or spend time with loved ones.
Rest days are excellent opportunities for dialing in your nutrition! Take the exercise energy and put it towards finding an eating plan that works for you.
(Or you can run a marathon today if you want. We can’t tell you what to do. The world is your potato.)
This page is only meant to be a reference tool for the Hybrid Routine. Please visit that page to better understand the exercise method. You can start with the videos below!