Side-Staggered Pushups
After being well-versed with bilateral pushing, we can now officially begin assisted one-arm work.
Having one arm further away gives more work to our working arm.
LEVEL 1: 2 Sets of 5 (Per Side)
LEVEL 2: 2 Sets of 10 (Per Side)
LEVEL 3: 2 Sets of 20 (Per Side)
Do 2 Sets of as many as you can. The levels above are standards you can use to measure your progress. Rest 2-3 minutes between Sets. Doing 2 Sets Per Side means 4 sets total (2 focusing on your left arm, and 2 focusing on your right). Start with your weak arm first.
If you struggle to hit Level 1 after a few weeks of trying, try using a few of Regressions shown below or use an easier variation.
Once you can do 2 Sets of 20 (Level 3) with GOOD FORM, you are ready to move on to a harder Pushup variation.
Form Cues
Try to go straight up and down. If you find yourself leaning towards your assisting arm, then simply bring it closer until you’re able to go straight up and down. Leaning makes the exercise easier.
Start with your assisting arm 2 palms’ length away from your torso. Adjust as needed.
Keep your body aligned. Don’t sag!
Film yourself and watch back between sets to check your form. A mirror is also useful.
Keep your feet together.
Kneel on the floor with your knees together.
Lean forward and place your hands on the ground. Place your working hand under your chest and your assisting arm 2 palms'‘ length away from your torso.
Straighten your knees. Your arms should be straight and your body aligned from your head to knees.
Descend straight down slowly until your chest gently touches the floor. Your working hand may brush your chest.
Pause for 1 Second.
Slowly come back up.
Pause for 1 Second.
Repeat 4-7.
Progression & Regression
To make this exercise harder: Moving your supporting arm further away makes this exercise harder. Doing this exercise with a straight assisting arm can be quite difficult. Be sure to go straight up and down. Moving side-to-side would turn this into a variation of Archer Pushups - which is explored later in our Pushup series.
To make this exercise easier: Moving your assisting hand closer to your torso will make this exercise easier. Don’t move it too close, or you’ll just be doing Full Pushups. If you’re unable to maintain good form with your assisting hand 1 palm length away from your torso, spend some more time on Narrow Pushups.