Bent Arm Wall Planks

This sure is quite a bit harder than a standard plank, but it’s exactly what we need to build up all the necessary strength to get us to the elbow lever!


LEVEL 1: 3 Sets of 15 Seconds
LEVEL 2: 3 Sets of 30 Seconds
LEVEL 3: 3 Sets of 50 Seconds

Do 3 Sets, holding for as long as you can each time. The levels above are standards you can use to measure your progress. Rest 2-3 minutes between Sets.

If you struggle to hit Level 1 after a few weeks of trying, try using a regression shown below or use an easier variation.

Form Cues

  • A common way to cheat ourselves is by dropping down into our joints, arching our back, and letting our core disengage. Be sure to keep tension by actively tensing your glutes and abdominal muscles, as well as pressing your arms into the floor!

  • Some people might find this position painful on their elbows, in that case, it can help to bring them a bit further back and more evenly distribute your weight on your forearms.

  • Some people might find this position painful on their forearms, some cushioning in the form of a pillow or mat can help.


  1. Kneel on the floor with your knees together, with your feet close to a wall behind you.

  2. Lean forward and place your forearms on the ground underneath your shoulders. You can clasp your hands together or have your forearms facing forward.

  3. Bring your shoulders down and forward.

  4. Straighten your legs, creating a straight line from head to knees.

  5. Lift one foot off the floor and place it on the wall behind you at about shoulder height. When you’re stable and pressed against the wall, do the same with the second foot.

  6. Hold this position for time. See Standards.

Progression & Regression

To make this exercise harder: Doing this exercise with your hands placed a bit more towards your knees rather than directly underneath your shoulders makes it harder by increasing the leverage on your shoulder muscles. You can also bring them a bit overhead instead to challenge your abs more.

To make this exercise easier: Doing this exercise with your feet slightly lower on the wall can make it easier.

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