Clutch Flag Progressions
Train your core while building full body strength!
Start by mastering the Grip. This is the foundation on which you will build your Clutch Flag strength!
Practice it a few times a week according to our Hybrid Routine.
For each workout day that you do Clutch Flag progressions, do 2-3 sets.
When you can hit the Level 3 Standards for an exercise, move on to the next progression!
Start by mastering the prerequisite standards for this exercise. You should be able complete:
25+ Full Pushups
9+ Full Pullups
You may be able to achieve these Clutch Flag variations without meeting these standards beforehand. However, it will be an easier journey if you take the time to master the prerequisite exercises!
The Clutch Flag is a famous core exercise that works your obliques, your spinal erectors, and your deep core muscles.
Additionally, the Clutch Flag involves your biceps, your lats and the stabilizing muscles of your shoulder. Truly, almost every muscle in the body gets an isometric workout here - even in your legs!
Different progressions emphasize these muscles in slightly different ways. It is beneficial to master all of them!
#0 - Before You Start
The first variation of the Clutch Flag already requires quite a bit of strength. Before you begin, I recommend that you be able to meet the standards below:
25+ Full Pushups
9+ Full Pullups
You may be able to achieve these Clutch Flag variations without meeting these standards beforehand. However, it will be an easier journey if you take the time to master the prerequisite exercises!
#1 - The Grip
Before you can do anything else, you need to master the grip. Kind of like how your feet support you in a squat, your grip will be your base of support for the rest of the variations.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#2 - Single-Leg Diagonal Flag
This is the part where you put your core to work and get the feel for the “flag” part of the clutch flag.
Like all exercises in the routine, we are building a solid foundation before moving forward to more advanced variations of the exercise.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#3 - Bent-Knee Diagonal Flag
At this stage, you’re further challenging your obliques by keeping both knees bent. The purpose here is to continue training your core to hold this position with a different distribution of weight.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#4 - Full Diagonal Flag
This variation will prepare you for the physics of the Clutch Flag exercise. With both legs extended, your core has to work harder to support the full length of your body while holding proper form.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#5 - Tuck Clutch Flag
It’s time to get fully horizontal!
For the next few variations, you’ll be working through a similar progression to the diagonal flags. Only this time, your body will be parallel to the ground!
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#6 - Single-Leg Clutch Flag
This is another important building block in your foundation. This variation will feel familiar, but much more challenging. You are preparing your core for the demands of the next variation.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#7 - Bent-Knee Clutch Flag
Not to be confused with the Tuck Flag, this variation will have both knees bent, but you will maintain a straight line from your head to your knees. No sitting back in the hips! This is the last variation before tackling the Clutch Flag.
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.
#8 - Clutch Flag
Congratulations, you “clutched” it!
You’re ready to take on the legendary Clutch Flag. Take your time getting to know this exercise well. Mastery takes practice!
Standard: Hold for 9 seconds on both sides.