Dip Progressions
Build strength and mobility in your upper body!
Find a Dip progression above that you can do comfortably and safely. When in doubt, start with Bent-Knee Bench Dips! Practice it a few times a week according to our Hybrid Routine.
For each workout day that you do Dips, do 2-3 sets.
When you can hit the Level 3 Standards for an exercise, move on to the next progression!
Please click “Full Tutorial” below each exercise to view detailed, important information. Scroll through the progressions shown below.
Start with a variation that you can do competently with good form for at least a few repetitions. When in doubt, start with Bent-Knee Bench Dips!
This exercise will work your triceps, pectorals, and deltoids.
Additionally, Dips involve significant shoulder stabilization to perform well. The muscles that support the shoulder and shoulder blades will be working hard throughout the range of motion. These are small muscles, so don’t push yourself too hard too fast.
Different progressions emphasize these muscles in slightly different ways. It is beneficial to master all of them!
#1 - Bent-Knee Bench Dips
We’ll start off with a Bent-Knee Bench Dip! This exercise will work your triceps, chest, and shoulders with a slow and controlled dip.
Standard: 3 Sets of 30 Reps
#2 - Bench Dips
This variation of the Dip will still utilize the bench, but this time you will keep your legs straight!
Standard: 3 Sets of 25 Reps
#3 - Elevated Bench Dips
Let’s modify your base of support to make the exercise more challenging. The Elevated Bench Dip brings the height of your base into the equation.
Standard: 2 Sets of 20 Reps
#4 - Jackknife Parallel Dips
Now that you have mastered the bench variations, it’s time to introduce the parallel bars!
Standard: 2 Sets of 20 Reps
#5 - Assisted Parallel Dips
You are one step closer to unassisted Dips! Unlike the previous exercises, your base of support is behind you.
Standard: 2 Sets of 15 Reps
#6 - Parallel Dips
You made it! It’s just you versus gravity now. Congratulations on making it this far!
Standard: 2 Sets of 15 Reps